Nintendo Releases PAX East 2015 Lineup
Added: 04.03.2015 0:16 | 19 views | 0 comments
Nintendo will be back at the Penny Arcade Expo this year in Boston, and they are bringing Splatoon, Code Name S.T.E.A.M., Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, the New Nintendo 3DS XL, and more.
Tags: Nintendo, Arcade, Easy, Released, Code, PAX East, Nail, Nintendo 3DS, East 2013, Chronicles, Expo
| PAX East 2015 Panel Guide
Added: 04.03.2015 0:00 | 11 views | 0 comments

PAX East begins this Friday in Boston, and as always, the event includes a large number of panels and events. Listed below are some of the more noteworthy ones worth keeping an eye on, while the full schedule can be found on the official PAX East website.
| PAX East 2015 Survival Guide
Added: 03.03.2015 23:09 | 12 views | 0 comments
John from writes, "If youre anything like me the realization that PAX East is a mere two days away and the scramble to begin packing has begun. Luckily for me Ive done this dance before and learn some valuable tips for making the most out of my favorite five days of the year. Here are a few thoughts that can help you squeeze the maximum amount of fun from your visit to Boston this weekend."
| Nintendo Releases PAX East 2015 Lineup
Added: 03.03.2015 17:14 | 19 views | 0 comments
Nintendo will be back at the Penny Arcade Expo this year in Boston, and they are bringing Splatoon, Code Name S.T.E.A.M., Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, the New Nintendo 3DS XL, and more.
Tags: Nintendo, Arcade, Easy, Released, Code, PAX East, Nail, Nintendo 3DS, East 2013, Chronicles, Expo
| The Outerhaven Podcast #61 PAX East is right around the corner
Added: 01.03.2015 3:09 | 16 views | 0 comments
The Outerhaven writes:
I know, I know. this episode is long overdue, but its here now so check it out. I really dont have anything witty to say, which is odd. Just way to much PAX East 2015 stuffs on my mind; prepping, setting up interviews and the rest of it. So Ill just cut straight into the show.
I also want to thank the Penny Arcade / PAX East media group for giving us a chance to cover the upcoming PAX East 2015 event. Well do what we can folks, so stay tuned on that.
Lastly, The Outerhaven crew would like to extend its hearts and wishes towards the family of the late, Leonard Nimoy, who passed away today (2.27.2015) at the age of 83. May he rest in peace.
Keith Hax Mitchell
Clinton Navigator Bowman
Topics Covered:
Why the hell it took us so long to get another podcast out
The passing of a legend, Leonard Nimoy, at age 83
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| Nintendo Unveils PAX East 2015 Lineup
Added: 26.02.2015 18:00 | 11 views | 0 comments

The Big N has revealed its games lineup for PAX East 2015.
The company will be bringing its Wii U-exclusive shooter Splatoon to the show, as well as the 3DS straegy game from Intelligent Systems, Code Name S.T.E.A.M. Plus, those who still don't yet have a New 3DS XL will get a chance to try out the hardware.
| Nintendo Releases PAX East 2015 Lineup
Added: 26.02.2015 13:30 | 19 views | 0 comments
Nintendo will be back at the Penny Arcade Expo this year in Boston, and they are bringing some big games along with them. The only Wii U game is Splatoon, but that is a big one. They are also bringing the New 3DS XL units with Code Name S.T.E.A.M., The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, [...]
Tags: Nintendo, Mask, Arcade, Easy, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Legend, Released, Code, PAX East, Nail, East 2013, Expo
| Highlands PAX East 2015 Screens
Added: 25.02.2015 11:37 | 15 views | 0 comments
A hand-drawn strategy game with unique characters, resources management and RPG elements inspired by Hayao Miyazaki#039;s Castle in the Sky
| Liege GDC/PAX East 2015 Trailer (HD)
Added: 24.02.2015 17:14 | 13 views | 0 comments
Liege is a dark fantasy told in JRPG form, with a modern, tactical twist.
Find out more: | @codagames
| Liege GDC/PAX East 2015 Trailer (HD)
Added: 24.02.2015 17:14 | 11 views | 0 comments
Liege is a dark fantasy told in JRPG form, with a modern, tactical twist.
Find out more: | @codagames
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